Boundaries in Marriage
Improve your relationship with your spouse and gain life-changing insights.
Improve your relationship with your spouse and gain life-changing insights.
A year's worth of daily devotionals is presented from Jesus's point of view and is based on the inspirational writings of a missionary who endeavored to become receptive to God's messages while writing in her prayer journal and who recorded a dialogue written as part of an exercise to further her faith.
Our human spirit is responsive. When it is ignored, it will atrophy. When it is nurtured it will grow. Truth is the nutrient that most powerfully transforms your spirit. Your spirit needs to know the truth about you and about God. Some of that truth is spoken by the Spirit of God to your spirit and some is input that you deliberately seek.
The Life Model is a unifying approach to ministries of counseling, recovery, pastoral care, prayer ministry, deliverance, inner healing, child rearing, body life and health. Substance abuse recovery programs internationally are guided by the Life Model's five principles.
We're living in an epidemic of toxic emotions. Research shows that as much as 87% to 95% of mental and physical illnesses are a direct result of toxic thinking-proof that our thoughts affect us physically and emotionally. In this best-selling book, Dr. Caroline Leaf clearly communicates 13 ways to detox your thought life and live a life of physical, mental, and emotional wholeness.
Everyone’s marriage morphs into something they didn’t intend it to be. At some point you need something sturdier than romance. You need something deeper than shared interests and mutual attraction. You need changed expectations, you need radical commitments, and, most importantly, you need grace.